I Lost My Cat
Step 1
Click on the links above to view cats at the shelter and cats found by members of the community.
Step 2
You may fill out a Lost Cat Report. Please note that reports are added to the website every day from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. Follow this checklist --
- View our How to Find a Lost Cat video tutorial
- Check local shelters' websites every 3 days for new arrivals
- Check Nextdoor for the neighborhood where your cat was lost and create a lost cat post with picture.
- Check and post to the many lost pet Facebook pages pages for our area.
- Check Craigslist for found cat posts in the Lost & Found category and create a lost pet ad with picture.
- If your cat has a microchip, contact your microchip company and ensure your phone number is updated in their system.
- If your cat is an indoor-only cat that got outside, it probably panicked from the stimulus, bolted, and hid nearby in a neighbor's yard. Cats tend to hide within a few houses of where they went missing.
- If your cat was outside regularly, something may have scared your cat out of his/her territory. Most outdoor cats are found within a 17-house radius of where they went missing.
- Post small flyers on neighbors' doors asking them to check under their decks or other possible hiding places. Post large flyers at major intersections around your neighborhood.
- Check the lost cat posts at other local animal shelters